Thursday, May 19, 2011

Karing for Karsyn Breaking All Expectations

This is a pic of our dear little friend, Karsyn, smiling for Hayley Pence. (Thanks Hayley for use of your pics!) And, she should be smiling because the entire Wabash area has opened their hearts to Karsyn!!! The number of special events, monies, etc. all for Karsyn is absolutely heart-warming!!!

RHONDA DALE, Penny Pitch Chair for Sharp Creek reported a total of $4,718.65 brought in by students to date. Tomorrow is the final day (5-20). $900 of the total was raised by Southwood 2nd graders who are pen pals with Karsyn's class. Metro North begins their Penny Pitch tomorrow, thru the end of school. And, LaFontaine Elementary didn't do a Penny Pitch, but the teachers challenged the students to a "Dessert War". Over 2,000 pre-packaged desserts, such as Hostess and Little Debbie were brought and the students earned themselves extra recess time! If converted to cash, these 2,000 desserts would equal about $2,500!!! Thank you so much, LaFontaine Elementary, Southwood Elementary, Sharp Creek Elementary and Metro North Elementary!!!

The SILENT AUCTION, also chaired by RHONDA DALE, is acquiring more items daily. To date, we have blankets, pedicures, dinner certificates, tire alignment, acrylic nails, welcome baskets, top-notch photography studio gift cards, and more! These items will be up for bid during our June 11 fundraiser!!

A number of new fundraising dates have been added this week. On May 27, AUTO LAUNDRY, South Wabash St., will donate $2 for every vehicle that passes thru their car wash.

On June 2, PEFLEY FARM EQUIPMENT, Lagro, is setting up a row of auction items donated by area citizens. They ask that any donation be farm and/or garden related, such as old lawnmowers, wire, old cars, etc. All proceeds are returned to the Karing for Karsyn Kampaign. Call Lee Ann Pefley at 260-782-0762 to donate or for questions!

And finally, the Golf Scramble at Etna Acres is in the midst of being organized for June 18. Anyone wanting to put together a team for the Shotgun Start event can call KATHY EVISTON, Chair, at 765-981-2820.

SHERYL BISHOP, Chair for the WORK DETAIL VOLUNTEERS on June 11 announced categories she wants covered on that date. Categories still needing volunteers and a Head are: Traffic Control, Pop (keeping coolers filled). Those areas already covered by volunteer heads are: Set Up/Tear Down: John Lehner & Tom Wagoner; Ticket Collections and Sales - Shirley Mackey, Janet Poole and Becki Wagoner; Trash and Table Patrol - Julie Helton; Bagging of chips and desserts-Melinda Walters and 70/30 ticket sales - Tiffany Barton and friends, and Kitty and Chris Bishop, along with help from many from Bachelor Creek Young Adults Class. Help in the tenderloin trailer for Troy Cole will be provided by the Northfield Key Club. This group has volunteered to work in teams of five throughout the entire day. The Silent Auction group is Rhonda Dale, Kristin Unger, Kristie Hoover and Angie Dale. If you would like to volunteer to work that day, please call SHERYL BISHOP AT 563-3767 and volunteer your help and the times you can work.

DIANE GUENIN, is Chair for CHILDREN'S GAMES. We are hoping to have a Bounce House that is free for all children under age 12. In addition, Diane is preparing children's games that can be played for a freewill donation. This should keep the little kids at bay while parents are waiting for food, or are listening to area bands which will be performing that day.

We will be doing limited advertising with the newspapers and radio stations. In essence, for whatever donation they make in advertising, we will place an ad of the same size at the non-profit rate for that company. The funds for this advertising is being used from a Silpada/Mary Kay Fundraiser from Shannon Schleining and Becki Wagoner, which netted nearly $400. The group passed on full approval use of these funds for advertising.

Our next meeting will be THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2011. That meeting will mark our countdown to KKK Day! We are asking that MONEY AND TICKETS BE TURNED IN. If you have sub-contracted your tickets, please arrange to collect your money and tickets. ALL tickets and money need turned in NO LATER THAN JUNE 2.

At the June 11 fundraiser, it was decided that Sandwich Only people could pay $4.00 and those wanting bulk tenderloins would pay $3 per tenderloin, with a maximum of ten tenderloins per person. A total of fifty (50) bulk tenderloins per hour will be allotted for this type of sales, in order to ensure that at 6:59 p.m., a ticket holder will have access to a full meal. It was also agreed that area shift personnel could pre-order and pay for their food to be delivered that day.

Any order over 10 tickets, prepaid, will be delivered within the Wabash City area.

Earlier this week in the Wabash Plain Dealer, Editor Joe Slacian said that the KARING FOR KARSYN KAMPAIGN would most likely be one of the biggest fundraising events for Wabash in years. We sure hope his prediction is right!! We so appreciate all that the Wabash Plain Dealer and "the paper" of Wabash County have done to share Karsyn's story and to keep her in reader's minds over the past two months. You are both truly friends of Karsyn's and our Kampaign. Thank you!!!

My grand daughter, Gabi, spent the evening with Karsyn and they had fun, just like old friends do. When we went to pick Gabi up, Karsyn had time for me. She is the sweetest child, never complaining. It was obvious she was exhausted, but she didn't want us to leave.

Karsyn begins treatment on May 26 in Bloomington. That night, even if you don't normally say a prayer....will you say one for Karsyn and her mom, Linette? These next few weeks are going to be extremely difficult for both of them. Treatment by day and away from their family by evening. No amount of money that we can raise will buy Karsyn the cure that she needs.

But, our caring....our concern....the love each and everyone of us show her when we attend an event to raise funds, or send 'couch change ' to school with the kids, or come out for a tenderloin on June 11....will show her how much she is loved. And, she has shown us how much one little girl can touch the hearts of so very many. As Linette said tonight, there are so many like Karsyn. We just don't hear about them. Helping one is sometimes helping many. Let's keep up the good fight....for our little Karsyn and all the other little Karsyn's out there who are fighting the fight of their life.

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