Monday, May 2, 2011


Sharp Creek Elementary students kicked off the KARING FOR KARSYN Penny Wars Campaign on Monday, May 2, 2011.

Amazingly, $551.12 was in the cans before the kick-off began at 1:30!!! I think the students must have gotten a "heads up" to bring in spare change on Monday.

All grades, K-6 were in the gymn when principal Jay Snyder talked to them about Karsyn. For those who didn't have on pink, flowers had been purchased for a quarter. Ellie Schuler, sixth grader at the school, had helped Becky Mast organize the
making of the flowers. I was so proud of Ellie. I have known her mama, her aunt and her grandparents (Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hoover) for many years. I told her how proud her family must be of her carrying on the tradition of giving to others. She had tears in her eyes and just smiled. Thank you, Ellie!!!!

"How many of you know that Karsyn has cancer?", he asked. Hands flew up.

Then, Principal Snyder explained that when a person has cancer there are so many bills that come in. "Sometimes insurance pays, but not everything," he explained. "And then there are hotel bills, gas, food bills...lots of bills that have to be paid." The students showed him rapt attention.

Principal Snyder introduced Karsyn's mom, Linette and her stepdad, Bill. Then, he introduced Jordan, who is Karsyn's older sister. "You are a wonderful older sister," he said. "I know you support Karsyn in everyway you can." The sixth graders cheered and Jordan beamed.

Finally, Principal Snyder introduced Rhonda Dale, the Chair for the Penny Pitch Wars at Sharp Creek. When she held up the sign showing that $551.12 had been raised since Friday until noon on Monday, the kids went wild!!! Then, she announced the classes in the surprise that Mrs. McCaslin's class (which is where Jordan is) was in the lead.

To end it all, Principal Snyder asked Karsyn if she would like to say anything. She took the microphone in her little hand and spoke in a voice loud and clear:

"Thank you all for coming today, and I hope you have a safe journey home tonight., And, before you go to bed, please pray for everyone that has cancer."

Not a dry eye in the house.....

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